Call it “dinner,” call it the best part of the cleanse. The evening serving of raw cashew milk provides a potent mix of antioxidants and minerals. It’s creamy, fragrant, and satisfying. First, you’ll want to make sure you have truly raw organic cashews. Trader Joe’s admits that their “raw” nuts are steam-treated, so they are not truly raw. The problem with steaming, roasting, or otherwise processing raw nuts is that it destroys delicate enzymes and nutrients. Read more
Category: Recipes
Spicy Lemonade Recipe & Hydration Tips
Juice #4 of the multiple-day juice cleanse is many people’s favorite, spicy lemonade. Apart from the obvious high Vitamin C levels, lemon is great because it has an alkalizing effect inside the body, despite being acidic outside of it. Lemon is also a natural expectorant, so don’t be surprised if you start feeling the need to clear your throat or even cough after you drink this. Read more
Green Juice Recipe & Why You Should Love Ginger
Green juice is an awesome way to start the day, and it’s the main part of any serious juice cleanse. The emphasis on the color green is not just trendy, but a reflection of the chlorophyll-rich and alkalizing properties of juice that is physically green, as opposed to red, yellow, purple, etc.
Here is my green juice recipe inspired by BluePrint Green. I also make this every morning when I’m not cleansing. Read more